ISSB Pakistan Day-Wise Activities

Day 1: Psychologist and Biodata Filling Day

  • The candidates are required to report at the ISSB center by 7:30 a.m.
  • They are then assigned to different groups and briefed about the rules and regulations of the ISSB.
  • Candidates are given different forms for filling out their respective biodata.
  • Thereafter, the psychologist visits candidates and gives them one topic on a screen to write on that within 20–25 mins.
  • After the essay is written, the psychologist gives his own form in which each candidate has to write short essay within 2-3 mins, about himself/ herself like
    • Unforgettable moments of your life.
    • Charming moments of your life.
    • The happiest moments of your life.
    • The saddest moments of your life.
  • Note: Candidate has to describe himself/ herself on any on of these topic within approximately 30-40 words.
  • Official activities of the day-1 end here.

Day 2: Psychological Assessment Day

  • Sentence Completion:
    • Candidates are given incomplete sentences for completion.
    • These test are conducted in both languages Urdu & English.
  • Picture Stories
  • Pointer Stories
  • Merits & Demerits
  • SRT (Situation Reaction Test)

Day 3: GTO (Group Testing Officer) Day

  • Each GTO is given 10–11 candidates for conduct of tests.
  • Indoor Tasks: GTO takes the group into a room for indoor tasks and initially interacts with all candidates to get basic information about each candidate.
  • Extempore Speech: Each candidate is given 2-3 topics and given 2 mins to select any topic, think over it and than deliver 2-3 mins speech on that topic.
  • Group Planning: GTO shows the task on screen and gives a particular scenario and each candidate has to solve that on his paper. Thereafter, any one candidate is selected by the group and he explains the solution on behalf of the group.
  • Progressive Group Task (PGT): Candidates are changed into PT kit and PGT is conducted groups wise.
  • Interviews with Deputy Commander: Deputy Commander conducts interviews and assigns topics to candidates on which he/ she has to speak for 2-3 minutes in both languages Urdu & English (Candidate will be given different topic to speak in Urdu & English).

Day 4: Command Tasks & Individual Obstacles

  • Command Tasks: Each candidate is given command task which he has to perform as per his capabilities and analytical approach.
  • Individual Obstacles:
    • There are 9 individual obstacles.
    • Candidate is initial made to visit/ witness each obstacle and has to accomplish each obstacle.
    • It is will of candidate to start from anywhere but its better that he selects from one end and carry out each obstacle in a sequence.
  • Mutual assessment:
    • Candidates are given paper in which they have to assess each of the candidate of his/ her group sequentially.
    • On reverse side of the paper, GTO asks candidates to write their assessment about GTO.
  • Re-interviews: Re-interviews of selected candidates are conducted and few candidates are assigned to re-do individual obstacles.

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